Institutional Development of the Civil Society - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Institutional Development of the Civil Society PDF Print E-mail

programa_IRGEver since the gaining of Macedonia’s independence, the development of the civil society in the country is progressing, yet it still faces series of challenges. Some of the problems result from the non-existence of an enabling legal framework, reduced funding, low participation of citizens and limited cooperation. For more than 15 years, MCIC contributes for organizational and institutional development of the civil society and has already implemented 22 programs and 716 projects.

The overall objective of the program is deeply rooted and dynamic civil society, which can influence the public policies. The purpose of the program is to create enabling environment for effective functioning of the civil society organizations.

The target group is the civil society organizations and the general public. Direct beneficiaries are the civil society organizations, members of the Civic Platform of Macedonia, the Ministry of Justice, the Unit for NGO Cooperation and the Joint Consultation Committee. The civil society organizations participated in drafting of this program.

Expected results of the program are:

  1. Favorable policies and enabling legal environment for CSOs
  2. 2.    Improved funding for CSOs
  3. 3.   Shared relevant information and analysis of the situation of CSOs
  4. 4.   Civil society organizations cooperate on issues of joint interest

The program will be implemented through the following activities: support and lobbying for favorable legal framework for CSOs; lobbying for improved funding for CSOs by the state and other sources; research and information for CSOs and support of the cooperation among CSOs on issues of joint interest.

The program will offer several products including: commentary to the new law on associations and foundations; reports on the implementation of the strategy for cooperation of the government with the civil sector; reports on public funding of CSOs; research reports and papers; web site; public hearings; seminars and workshops; trainings; thematic forums.

Implementation period: January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2011.

Information on the progress of project activities will be regularly published on the web sites of MCIC and the Civic World as well as in the media. The public relations foresee visibility of the program and MCIC through: press conferences, press releases, promotions, publications on web sites, debates and round tables.

The program will be implemented by MCIC, i.e. the Civil Society and Good Governance Department. The program team is comprised of program coordinator, project officers, junior officer and web administrator.

The program will include active involvement of several actors. Some of the activities will be realized in cooperation with the members of the Civic Platform of Macedonia, the Balkan Civil Society Development Network (BCSDN), the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance, the Unit for Cooperation of the Government with NGOs and other CSOs.

The program is categorized as highly complex. Having in mind that this program addresses issues requiring cooperation among several actors from different sector and depending on the political context in the country, there are several risks, such as: lack of political willingness and interest for civil society development; referendums or early elections; increased competition for reduced resources; lack of finances for full implementation of the program, etc.

Some of the funding is provided by EED, OSCE, UNDP and own sources, while for the rest of the funding applications will be submitted to other donors. The budget amounts to MKD 24,000,000.


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