Institutional Development of Civil Society - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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igoEver since the gaining of Macedonia’s independence, the development of the civil society in the country was mainly based on the western models and was supported by international donors. Currently due to the changed context, the Macedonian civil society faces the challenge of finding out domestic roots and support. The program is focused on making its contribution in this respect and supporting the development of the civil society that will enjoy the confidence of the public and will rely on domestic support.

The overall objective of the program is to develop an effective civil society, which will address the priority societal challenges, will initiate and make changes in the society.

The purpose of the program is to create enabling environment and support for further development of the civil society and improved results of the actors of the civil society in Macedonia.

Expected results of the program are:

  • The public is informed on the CSO's activities, understands and accepts the civil society
  • Improved legal and fiscal framework for the CSO and local fund raising
  • Improved cooperation among the CSOs
  • CSO have established rules and principles based on transparency, accountability and democracy

The target group is comprised of all actors of the civil society in Macedonia, while direct beneficiaries are the civil society organizations (CSO).

The program will implement the concept of institutional development and organizational strengthening through the following activities: information, research, advocacy and lobbying, training and consultation as well as networking. The list of products includes: regular monthly editions of the magazine and the web site “Civic World”, Directory of CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS and their projects, public opinion polls for the CSOs, Manual for Organizations of Public Interest, Manual for Economic Activities of the CSOs, Training on the process for registration of CSOs, NGO Fair, Ethical Code of the Civic Platform of Macedonia, Training on Good Governance, Training on Organizational Development, etc.

MCIC will implement the program in cooperation with the members of the Civic Platform and other CSOs.

The funding for implementation of this program will be provided by the DanChurchAid (DCA), European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR), Evangelical Church Aid (Evangelische Zentraslstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe - EED) and other donors. The EAR funding will partially cover the costs for 18 months, while the other costs will be covered by the Platform partners. The program foresees reimbursement of some of the costs.


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