Milka Božinovska-Miova - Consultant - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Milka Božinovska-Miova - Consultant PDF Print E-mail
Milka Božinovska-Miova, Consultant/TrainerMilka Božinovska-Miova, Consultant/Trainer
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Born on December 30th 1960 in Skopje. Graduated at the Faculty of Economics at the University of “SS. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje, on planning and analytical department. She has 24 years of working experience in the field of financing and accountancy. She worked for 12 years in “Jugosurovina”, 6 of which on management position and 3 years of working experience in the bookkeeping consulting bureau "Gea". As of 2000 she is employed in MCIC in the Administrative and Financial Unit as a bookkeeper. She also has engagements as a trainer in the area of finances and accountancy. Her key qualifications are: accounting and financial records in complex financial relations, preparation of periodical and annual reports, project costs and financial analyses.
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