Valentina Čičeva - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Валентина ЧичеваValentina Čičeva, Project Officer
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+ 389 2 3088 988

Born on February 28, 1969 in Skopje. In 1993 was graduated at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" Skopje, Faculty of technology and metallurgy, and in 2008, obtained a master degree from the Economic Institute in Skopje, in Financial Management. From 1994 to 1999 worked as administrative secretary in MCIC. She became a project officer/trainer in the MCIC’s Civil Society and Democracy Department in 2000. Within the programs Strengthening of NGOs 2000 – 2003, Strengthening of the Civil Society Organizations 2003-2006, Applied Education for Young Roma 2006 – 2008, Community Forums Programme 2008-2013 and Making the Most of EU Funds for the Roma 2011-2013, she has worked as:

  1. Trainer/consultant
    1. Training needs assessment analyses;
    2. Development of the training curricula;
    3. Preparation and organization of the training: training materials, training programme, practical exercises, visual aids;
    4. delivering trainings and consultations in the following fields of expertise: Project Cycle Management; Institutional development and Organizational strengthening, Strategic planning, Human Resource Management; Training of Trainers, Facilitation skills, Presentation and communication skills, Business communication and behavior, Effective meetings and workshops, Administrative work.
  2. Project officer
    1. Preparation and project management
    2. Monitoring and evaluation of project and program activities
    3. Cooperation with the beneficiaries during the project planning, implementation and management and providing support in developing the project proposals
    4. Preparation of periodical and final program and project reports (narrative and financial)
    5. Cooperation with relevant governmental and civil society organizations, international donors, etc.
  3. Moderator/facilitator of the forum processes in the frame of the Community Forum Programme
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